The boys are a bit nuts about hockey, there is no doubt. This year has been a difficult year for the young ones with hockey limited to practice only. Luckily we live in a place with many lakes, so clearing a patch of ice becomes an excuse to engage in some friendly, family competition. A propane fire pit and chairs allowed for an excellent fan experience, and everyone got a well needed dose of Vitamin D.
This page is 8x8 inch. Very simple, using blue cardstock and a few elements from Echo Park`s Hockey collection kit.
Here is the second page I made to remember the day. This one is a 12x12 inch page, going into the younger boy`s scrapbook. The elements on this page were also taken from Echo Park`s Hockey collection kit, all mounted on Bazzill Basics cardstock.

Hope you have had a chance to get outdoors and have some fun this winter.
products used: Bazzill Basics cardstock, Echo Park papers, Sharpie Black pen